Channel Mastery - Ep. 190: Kristin Carpenter, Founder of Verde Brand Communications

Verde Brand Communications

Covid-timed consumer, consumer Trust + spending trends, held inventory

190: Kristin Carpenter Vede PR on Consumers and the Economy



Kristin Carpenter is the founder of Verde Brand Communications and the host of the Channel Mastery podcast. She earned her stripes in the $873 billion outdoor recreation industries through a decade-long career as a journalist. In 2001, she pivoted from reporting on stories to helping brands create their own stories in the launch of Verde Brand Communications, an award-winning brand communications, PR, and digital marketing agency. In 2018, Verde launched the Channel Mastery podcast to help specialty brand leaders modernize their businesses to be exceptional to today’s connected shoppers. 

show highlights

In this special solo cast episode of the Chanel Mastery podcast, Kristin dives into the level setting we’re seeing in the business landscape and, more specifically, in the outdoor industry as we head into one of the largest buying periods of the year. Kristin touches on the regression of the Covid-timed consumer, economic slowdown, consumer spending trends, held inventory, and the important months ahead that can not only shape how we finish this year but also set the tone for the partnerships we have and how we work to maintain and build trust with our consumers in 2023 and beyond. 


HOST: Kristin carpenter

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Rated 5 Stars on Apple Podcast! (★★★★★)

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