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Metolius Climbing
Metolius In The News
Few voices in the outdoors and active lifestyle world have a voice as powerful as Outside Magazine. Long trusted by outdoor enthusiasts, the annual Outside Buyers Guides are some of the most prestigious picks for outdoor gear - especially the coveted Editors Choice. We’re honored to represent such a wide array of brands that continue to produce innovative gear year after year. For this winter, our clients gear was named some of the best of the best.
Warm weather is upon us (or will be soon)! With this, we have a host of new gear and trends to share. First up, we have a whole new sport in winging, or wing surfing, then we’ll cover some trends that will help keep folks protected and comfortable as they head into the outdoors. These latter trends may seem small, but as the number of people that are venturing out has exploded, its small steps forward in comfort, like these, that will keep those people coming back for years to come.
Even though winter is just kicking into high gear, we wanted to share some new gear coming down the pipeline from a few of our favorite brands. These are some of the best new pieces for anyone’s outdoor wardrobe.
Check out our list of the best fitness gifts to keep family and friends happy, healthy and safe this holiday season! We’ve compiled a list of the gear that fitness fanatics need to go the extra workout in and feel great while doing it.
Many of Verde’s clients have looked at what they can do, with the resources they have, to fill the need for PPE and other services. Those who do not have manufacturing capabilities pivoted messaging and fulfillment to help support their customers, employees and their communities.