Channel Mastery - Ep. 57: Carter Jensen, Digital Educator
Carter Jensen
creating unique and exceptional customer experiences with a digital boost
“I love to show Target as an example [of a brand that] has been able to actually achieve both ends of the spectrum that we talk about.”
- Carter Jensen
The consumer decision journey most certainly begins online today and how we engage and nurture our target end consumer across their devices is the secret to continually creating loyal brand fans who convert.I have an episode for you today that brings the very latest digital tactics and strategies to you, Channel Masters. And, my secret weapon has a name: Carter Jensen. You first experienced Carter earlier this year in an audio podcast, and now, he joins us again in our new video format (his episode is also going to be available on iTunes and our other audio platforms, not to worry!). Customers want their experience with your brand or your shop (online and brick and mortar) to be special. Today’s episode will share with you what’s working today for the best consumer-centric brands as they work to create brand experiences that are both memorable and shareable across multiple channels. Carter also gives us an Amazon Marketing Services update at the end of this show, so be sure to stick around for the entire episode!
Carter Jensen is a digital educator and a modern-day ad man. While his official focus is on emerging media and platform innovation, that only just begins to cover his passion for the newest and most technological parts of the advertising industry. He encourages and guides clients to push the boundaries of advertising and bring new and innovative communication tactics to life. He’s also a co-host on the Omnitalk video podcast.
Advertising, social media commerce, creating in-store experiences, changing store formats, new retail identities, digital tools to drive traffic, location targeting, micro-shops, store within a store
“It's the new consumer experience. They're looking for that one-on-one personal touch concierge experience that they're not able to replicate.”
“You're seeing a lot of those big box retailers have a really hard time figuring what their identity is, and ultimately failing because they're not able to get to one side or the other…quickly enough.”
“I love to show Target as an example [of a brand that] has been able to actually achieve both ends of the spectrum that we talk about.”
“There are tools at our fingertips where - no matter what the scale may be, no matter how many products you might have on the shelf, no matter big or small your brick and mortar retailer is - you're able to capture this new consumer in the way that they want to be captured.”
“The point is that we now, as retailers, have ways to meet the new consumer, meet the demands of the new consumer in incredible ways that should not just be limited to the biggest companies in the world.”
“The brick and mortar experience also has to be some of the best it's ever been. Right? Invest in your people.”
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“Hard Lessons (Thanks, Amazon) Breathe New Life Into Retail Stores,” by Michael Corkery, New York Times (Sept. 3, 2018)