Channel Mastery - Ep. 129: Jayson O’Mahoney, Founder & Publisher of Gravel Cyclist
Gravel Cyclist
Gravel cycling & the state of online reviews
“I mean I don't want to just see a review. I want to see what led up to the review. I also do real-world reviews. My reviews aren't sitting around a bloody parking lot riding a bike in circles and having a camera crew film me. It's me doing everything. So, I think there's something to be said for that."
- Jayson O'Mahoney
I don’t know about you, but I’m very ready to talk about something other than COVID-19. My friend Jayson O’Mahoney, founder and publisher of Gravel Cyclist, offered to do his very first podcast interview with me. So, we’re offering that to you as a respite from the pandemic and ensuing recession. I’m also pretty bummed that I haven’t been able to be with my people - the gravel cycling community - due to the change in dates of the Belgium Waffle Ride (BWR) and most recently, the Dirty Kanza. Jayson, also known as JOM, is a straight shooter and amazing storyteller. His passion, energy and honesty come through in droves in this show. Jayson loves to root for those riders out for an adventure, not to win. He holds a special place in his heart for the last-place finishers. I respect that! I’ve found a lot of value in the Gravel Cyclist’s gear reviews, as I’ve been in the market for a new gravel bike (that purchase is currently on hold, but it’s still very fun to research online and Jayson’t reviews are some of the best I’ve discovered). We address his approach to reviews, as well as his channel strategy to continue to grow the stoke and engagement of his audience. I hope you enjoy this break in Channel Mastery’s COVID-19 podcast series, and Verde’s COVID-19 resource page.
Jayson 'JOM' O'Mahoney
Jayson O’Mahoney, aka JOM, discovered cycling in 1991 and was instantly fascinated with biking technology. He’s called Gainesville, Florida home since 2004 but is originally from South Australia. JOM is the #1 contributor to the Gravel Cyclist website.
“I don't know, I mean I don't want to just see a review. I want to see what led up to the review. I also do real-world reviews. My reviews aren't sitting around a bloody parking lot riding a bike in circles and having a camera crew film me. It's me doing everything. So, I think there's something to be said for that.”
“I think they're pretty genuine. I try and be very honest, and I've given grief many times in my videos to some of the bikes I've had. I don't want to name any names, but there's some dumb features I've seen on some of these bikes and I usually call them out. But I try and be honest in reviews so it's not a complete slam fest, because people are also thinking outside the box for some of these bikes, and I encourage that.”
Bike Races Mentioned: DK, Crusher, Steamboat, Big Sugar, Leadville, Rock Cobbler, Heywood Ride, formerly the Almanzo 100 Race