Channel Mastery - Ep. 120: Kristin Carpenter: 3 Things You Need To Know For 2020

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Ep. 120: Kristin Carpenter: 3 Things You Need To Know For 2020
Channel Mastery

“Today the more today's shopper can move from channel to channel and place to place - as frictionlessly as possible - the better"

- Kristin Carpenter


It’s solocast time, Channel Masters! In this show, we’re going to deep dive on three things you need to know for 2020 when it comes to successfully serving today’s connected shopper. An entirely new decade is here and in just the first month of that decade, Amazon, Starbucks, Anthropologie, Target and Nordstroms have all announced new retail and brand experience concepts. Keep in mind, Channel Mastery does not advocate that you stop what you’re doing and shift tactics to respond to what the majors and marketplaces are doing. However, we must study what they are doing and how successful their strategies are to best understand how we can best serve our target shopper. I took the time to really drill into the three trends that are most relevant to specialty brands and retailers, and you can only find that here! In our passion industries, we serve shoppers who literally align their identities with what they want to believe about themselves. We must continually up-level how we serve our target shoppers to ensure that our message and brand experience - and yes, our products - are becoming part of their identities, and their lives. This solocast is about 30 min., and will deliver solid insights to you, and the links in the show notes will support further learning. I hope that this show inspires you to go big in terms of how you’re serving your absolute bullseye target shopper in 2020!


Kristin Carpenter

Kristin Carpenter is Channel Mastery host and the CEO and Founder of Verde Brand Communications. A former journalist, Kristin worked on staff for major consumer lifestyle magazines, business and trade titles. Now 19 years later, she continues to serve as Verde’s CEO and directs strategy for the agency. She launched Channel Mastery in 2017 and is happy to be masquerading around as a journalist again through her hosting of the podcast. It’s her ‘beat’ to bring the absolute best practices around serving today’s connected shopper to specialty business and brand leaders. Channel Mastery is the only resource of its kind, and it was created to help level the playing field for specialty brands as they compete for the attention spans, minds and hearts of today’s shopper with marketplaces, big retail and well funded direct-first brands.


“Shoppers have experiences; shopping is a leisure exercise. Shopping is connection and gathering with your favorite brands, in your favorite stores. Consuming is work.”

“So where they {big retailers} get us {specialty brands} in headcount and fancy tech, we trump the majors daily with how we are hard-wired to be true to the consumers’ wants and needs.”

“Today, the more today’s shopper can move from channel to channel and place to place - as frictionlessly as possible - the better.”

“...the successful Channel Master will be so good that their target shopper will not even take note of what channel they’re actually on. They do not see channels or experience them - the shopper IS the channel today.”



Kristin Carpenter

Podcast, Channel Masterysolocast