Channel Mastery - Ep. 119: Rick Saez, Founder & Host of The Outdoor Biz Podcast
The Outdoor Biz Podcast
outdoor industry podcasts and outdoor tradeshows
“I think podcasting is going to be one of the ways that we talk to consumers here in 2020 and beyond.”
- Rick Saez
episode preview
My guest today, Rick Saez, is host of The Outdoor Biz Podcast, and the author of a new book entitled, Trails to the Top: Outdoor Adventure Insider Stories and Advice to Manage Business and Grow Careers, which took form using the content from his first 65 episodes podcast episodes.
Obviously, I’m a huge proponent of podcasts as a messaging, discovery, engagement and even conversion channel for consumers today. That’s become Rick’s specialty - helping brands use podcasts to do just that.
In this episode, Rick and I explore the benefits and reach of podcasts, and how to best use one to amplify your brand message and create unique brand experiences for your target shoppers.
Yes, a podcast about podcasting is meta, but what better medium to learn what’s working best today for this fast-growing marketing medium? Podcasts are evolving and growing faster than we realize and the most exciting thing about them is how much content can be pushed across multiple platforms from each episode.
Listen in to hear how Rick and his team are expanding their reach and offer resources to help you get your podcast off to a great start.
Rick Saez
Rick Saez is an avid Outdoor Adventurer a 30+ year career in the outdoor industry. He’s held leadership roles with iconic brands such as Montbell, Eagle Creek, JanSport Dana Design and Lowepro. He is Founder, producer and host of the Outdoor Biz Podcast and author of Trails to the Top: Outdoor Adventure Insider Stories and Advice to Manage Business and Grow Careers.
select quotes
“I think podcasting is going to be one of the ways that we talk to consumers here in 2020 and beyond.”
“There's just such a wide variety of stuff out there that I think that's where it's going to continue. It's going to be one of the new venues where we're going to go to learn things, not only you know how to do things, but also we'll get our news and we'll get our information. They're just storytelling; there's nothing like the human voice to listen to a story.”
“Then once you've got that content, like you said, you can publish the podcast, you can publish little bits, quotes and bits of the podcast, you can digitize it, transcribe it and have blog posts that go out, you can use some of the voice for some of if you're going to do some audio radio ads or spots like that or spots on other podcasts. I mean, it's amazing what you can do. If you really want to do video, you can do video, too. I mean, we could have totally done this on Zoom and recorded this video and published that as video as well.”
“When people hear your voice and they hear your passion, they hear your inflection, they hear your excitement, they can't always get that out of reading your ad in the magazine, but they always get that when they listen to you. I think you're right. You nailed it.”
related links
Trails to the Top: Outdoor Adventure Insider Stories and Advice to Manage Business and Grow Career by Rick SaezOprah’s Master Class Podcast
Scott Ohsman, Somethin about Nothin
Outdoor Biz Podcast Cheat Cheat
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