Channel Mastery - Ep. 105: Larry Pluimer, Indigitous

amazon expert larry pluimer connects recent amazon updates to specialty businesses just in time for holiday

“...don't get used to this. Amazon is going to make the pivot back again. There will be pressure again, who knows, maybe it's Q1, maybe it's Q2, but they're going to come back and say, "Okay, we've got the growth. Now we need to go back to the profit."It's always important to keep that pendulum swing in mind.”

- Larry Pluimer

Ep. 105: Larry Pluimer, Indigitous
Channel Mastery

episode preview

We’re excited to welcome back Friend of the Channel Mastery Podcast, Larry Pluimer of, an Amazon advertising and services agency that provides brands with strategies, services and intelligence to maximize sales and marketing opportunities with Amazon. Many of you know Larry as the first person to build an outdoor-lifestyle specific market on Amazon over a decade ago.

Larry and his team make it their business to monitor and translate the many changes happening on the Amazon marketplace. Kristin and Larry spend this *Expert Spotlight* episode discussing the Patagonia lawsuit that made headlines in September, the environmental efforts and changes Amazon has committed to over the next 20 years and the updates to Amazon going into effect for Holiday, 2019. You do not want to miss this episode!


Larry Pluimer

Larry Pluimer, a Channel Mastery VIP, is an Amazon Strategy Expert at Indigitous. The agency offers advertising and services that provide select brands and their investors with the strategies, services and intelligence necessary to maximize sales and marketing opportunities with Amazon

select quotes

“I think it's worth applauding Amazon {for the commitment to be net zero carbon across its businesses by 2040} . Maybe they're late to the party, but for a company of that size and scale to be making this basically common for them moving forward and setting the bar, it's pretty remarkable.”

“Amazon is right on the cusp of becoming the world's largest shipping company, which is kind of mind boggling to think about.”

“Amazon has had a couple of really great quarters. They've shown Wall Street that they can be profitable. But in true Amazon fashion, they like to swing the pendulum the other way, and work on growth, because they're also seeing that that profitability slows down their growth. As you mentioned, Kristin, when you're operating at that kind of scale, this massive scale that Amazon has, they're just not very nuanced at being able to move those levers. We tend to see these kind of broad changes, these big policies either come or go.”

“I think the message to your listeners is, don't get used to this. Amazon is going to make the pivot back again. There will be pressure again, who knows, maybe it's Q1, maybe it's Q2, but they're going to come back and say, "Okay, we've got the growth. Now we need to go back to the profit." Items that we got used to selling without improving their margin are suddenly going to be sidelined again. It's always important to keep that pendulum swing in mind.”


related links


Larry Pluimer on LinkedIn

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Kristin on Twitter

Article:Patagonia Comes For Amazon Resellers in New Lawsuit

Article: Amazon Is ‘Done Being In The Middle Of The Herd’ On Climate Issues, by Jennifer Hermes

Larry's Blog - Amazon POV

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